Get Involved

Building a circular economy in Missoula includes everyone!

Getting involved in creating a zero waste future looks different to everybody.
There are MANY ways that you can get involved with zero waste in Missoula and Home ReSource.

Donate Materials

Do you have building materials (lumber, toilets, paint, tools, light fixtures, etc) in your home or business that need a new home? Donating them to the Home ReSource ReUse store reduces the amount of materials going to our landfill and provides affordable building materials for everyone in our community.

You can find a list of materials we take here>> 
We accept donations 7 days a week during our store hours.

Support our mission with a financial donation

Home ReSource is a 501 (c)3 non-profit. Our work is only possible because of the financial support of many amazing community members, foundations, and others. While the ReUse store supports itself and provides a living wage for about 15 permanent full-time staff, we also run several free-of-cost programs that work to educate and empower every generation of our community on moving towards zero waste.

Some Home ReSource giving options include:

For more information or assistance in selecting an option that will work for you – contact Jess Allred at


Are you ready to join in the nittiest, grittiest, smashin-est, bashin-est, clangin-est, bangin-est, creativity, barbaloot savin-est party in town?

Spontaneous Construction (SponCon) is a one-of-a-kind festival of creative reinvention that happens in Missoula every September. The fun doesn’t stop there, as the amazing items created during SponCon go on to be publicly displayed and eventually sold during a live bidding auction in October.  Get involved (as a team, sponsor, exhibitor, or vendor) and/or learn more about SponCon here>> 

Home ReSource also hosts many other community and partner events year-round! Check out the events calendar here>> 


Pledge Zero your business

Is your business ready to commit to reducing your impact on the planet? Take the Pledge!
Pledge Zero is a free service in cooperation with the City of Missoula’s Zero by Fifty plan to reduce waste in Missoula 90% by 2050.

A commitment to Pledge Zero is a commitment to consider the environment in your business practices. Your business will receive a free consultation and overview of the steps your business can take to move towards zero waste.

Then, as part of the Pledge Zero family, your business will be connected to like-minded businesses that understand the challenges that you may be facing and help find solutions together. Your business will also receive community recognition as a model sustainable business in our community! 

For more information or to schedule your Pledge Zero consultation, contact Mason Parker, Zero Waste Systems Manager at


Home ReSource has several opportunities to volunteer in an individual or group setting, depending on your skills and interest. 

Opportunities to volunteer include (click to learn more):

  • Individual and Group projects in ReUse store 
  • Fixit Coaches
  • Pledge Zero Events Green Team

Find more details on all of these volunteer opportunities or sign up here>>


Zero Waste doesn’t happen overnight and has a lot of ins and outs. How does one even keep up with all this info? Stay informed with our favorite resources:

  • Follow Home ReSource on Facebook and Instagram
  • Sign up for Home Resource’s Weekly Newsletter filled with fun finds in the store, DIY inspiration, and upcoming community events. 👇
  • Peruse our blog – Home ReSourcery>>
  • Join the Zero Waste Missoula group listserv to connect with other Zero Waste news & folks in Missoula.
  • Missoula’s ZERO by FIFTY website

Spread the word

Home ReSource is leading the way to a zero waste future in Missoula. This future includes everyone and will take everyone too! If this is your jam – tell your friends! Invite them to a ReuSe store walkabout, volunteer shift, fixit clinic or event.

We are starting a reuse revolution and everyone is invited!